Advocacy & Feedback
Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast Ltd. is involved in a range of networks and Committees in order to better advocate for an inclusive community and an equal access to services.
Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia
FECCA is the peak, national body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
FECCA's role is to advocate and promote issues on behalf of its constituency to government, business and the broader community.
MCCGC is the regional peak body for the Gold Coast and our CEO Shane Klintworth is the disability chairperson. MCCGC believes access and equity continues to be an area that requires advocacy and commitment by all Australians, and is seeking to continue developing and expanding services and support for multicultural communities throughout regional Australia.
Gold Coast Multicultural Network
"Our vision is to be the united voice for multiculturalism and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities on the Gold Coast.” Strategic Action Plan 2014-2016
MCCGC chair the Gold Coast Multicultural Network and provides secretariat services, venue support and event coordination along with Multicultural Families Organisation whom we work closely with.
The purpose of the network is to help enhance the lives and well-being of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) persons within the Gold Coast community, and assist in reducing the risk of disadvantage that are associated with language and cultural barriers.
Other networks...
MCCGC is also part of the following networks:
- South East Queensland CALD Domestic Violence Taskforce
- Gold Coast Youth Network
- Primary Care Partnership Council
- Gold Coast District Human and Social recovery Group
- Pacific Indigenous Nations Network (PINN)
- Labrador Women’s Space Steering Committee
- Complex Needs Assessment Panel 65+
- GCUH Community Advisory Group
- Currumbin Clinic Consumer & Community Advisory Committee
- Mullticultural Mental Health Network
- Skilling Queenslander for Work
- Complex Needs Assessment Panel (over 65)
- LGBTIQAP Mental Health Network

Level 1, 60 High Street, Southport 4215 QLD
1 Dominions Road, Ashmore 4214 QLD
Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 5.00pm
MCCGC recognises that across the country, we all live and work on the unceded lands and waters of First Nations people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.