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Women Social Group- Artful Wellbeing
Women Social Group- Artful Wellbeing

Our ‘Women Social Group- Artful Wellbeing’ session was a hit! We had an amazing and beautiful opportunity to connect with other women. This time our participants explored their creative and artistic skills by decorating a clay heart in the What’s the Colour of Your Heart? activity, where each one brought a unique touch to their clay heart These are some of the beautiful feedback we received: “I am so grateful, pleased, and thankful for this activity. Connecting with yourself is always good and necessary. Exploring different possibilities for creativity makes you feel good. I can’t wait for the next workshop.” “This is a great initiative to bring local women together and support arts and culture on the Gold Coast.” “This was a lovely experience. I had a lovely time and didn’t know how creative I could be. I look forward to the next one. Thank you ladies.” “Such an amazing experience! Really lets you connect with yourself and others. This activity allows you to express yourself freely and go crazy with creativity. Would do again.” “Thank you for creating this space to slow down and share with amazing women. I love the self-care activities and all the sweetness of time.” Thank you to our Community Pathway Connector team for organising such amazing workshops where women can explore different strategies to improve their wellbeing. And a big shout out to our lovely Vanessa for bringing this workshop together.

Meet our HSP Client Kubra and Explore Her Incredible Story
Meet our HSP Client Kubra and Explore Her Incredible Story

Refugee Week welcomes and celebrates everyone seeking safety, regardless of how they arrived here. This year’s #RefugeeWeek theme is “Finding Freedom”. To mark Refugee Week, we share the story of Kubra, one of our Humanitarian Settlement Program clients. Kubra came to Australia in September 2023 as a refugee from Pakistan. Even Though she is Afghan, she and her family fled their homeland in 1995 due to the war and conflict with the Taliban during their first occupation. In Pakistan, she continued to live as a refugee and attended a refugee school. Her dedication and good grades allowed her to apply for a scholarship to study dentistry in 2013, which she successfully got. She spent part of her early life in Pakistan but missed her homeland. So, she decided to return in 2019 when the situation improved. However, when the Taliban regained control, Kubra was in Kabul working as a dentist. Her mum and sister were in Daikundi. In 2021, they decided to pack up their lives once again and flee to Pakistan. “It was hard for women and girls to live alone under their regime, as we couldn’t study or work.” In Pakistan, they applied for a Humanitarian Visa to Australia and arrived on the 8th of September. “When we arrived here, we felt protected, safe, and relieved. Our lives changed drastically as we gained freedoms as women we didn’t have back home. I remember all the support MCCGC provided us in settling, such as teaching us how to open a bank account, visit a GP, and other important daily tasks. The organisation guided and inspired us through the process.” Kubra was very happy to be in Australia, but deep in her heart, she knew she wanted to continue her dentistry career. She started by having her qualifications recognised through the Australian Dental Council (ADC). After much effort, she received a positive outcome. “Now, my challenge was finding a job related to my professional background. I went to many clinics, handing my resume, and did many online applications. However, they asked for Australian experience, which I didn’t have. Until someone gave me the opportunity and employed me as a dental assistant. I was so happy.” The policies and procedures for dentists in Australia are different from those in Afghanistan, so she started a journey to learn new things and was passionate about it. “My boss is very supportive. He guides me on how dentists work in Australia and introduces me to the technology used here, which is much more advanced compared to what we used back home.” “I overcame many challenges to get to where I am now, but everything is about persistence and consistency. Even though the Australian work environment for dentists is different, you can self-learn. I did it, and my journey has been amazing. The amount of knowledge you can gain using internet platforms is incredible. The first two weeks at my job were challenging, but now I’m improving daily.” Kubra shared some advice for all migrants coming to Australia, “Here you have many opportunities, so you need to work hard and make the world a better place for everyone. Don’t rely just on the government and give back to those who need you.” She dreams of becoming a dentist in Australia, running her clinic, and, more importantly, giving back to the community. She wants to work in research for the public health sector and help the community. Thank you, Kubra, for sharing your beautiful story and inspiring us to follow our dreams.

Meet Our Lovely Participant Hebe
Meet Our Lovely Participant Hebe

We are so happy to share this lovely story of Hebe, a remarkable woman who exemplifies resilience and the power of never giving up. Hebe is one of the extraordinary participants at our social group Coffee, English & Friends in Palm Beach. Hebe is a 75-year-old lady from Brazil who has been living in Australia for some years. She was once fluent in English, but her life took a challenging turn when she suffered a cerebrovascular accident, causing her to lose her language ability and confidence. She told us, "I enrolled in English classes in an RTO but quickly realised my confidence was gone. The fear of making mistakes and failing was overwhelming. I was so stressed that speaking became incredibly difficult. I felt stuck and decided to quit." But Hebe's story didn’t end there. Her son found our social group, Coffee, English & Friends, and contacted us. Ellie from our Community Development team remembers Hebe's first day. " The first time Hebe came to our class, she was a bit afraid, unsure if she could overcome her past experiences. But as she started engaging with the group, she was impressed by the supportive, relaxed and friendly atmosphere." In our group, Hebe found a place where making mistakes was part of the learning process, and joy was there in every session. With a smile on her face, she said to us, "Here, I don’t feel any pressure. There's no problem making mistakes. Everyone participates. I am excited to meet with my friends again on Tuesdays." With the support of our social group, Hebe has regained her confidence and overcome her fear of speaking. She is now an active and enthusiastic participant in our classes. We are so happy to have Hebe in our group and proud to have helped her regain her confidence. Her story is a powerful reminder that we can overcome difficult challenges with support and perseverance.

Meet, Greet, Eat 2024
Meet, Greet, Eat 2024

And one more time we say, what an amazing night we had yesterday at our Meet, Greet, Eat. This time was different as we delivered a tailored training session for community groups focusing on Strategic Planning. Topics included planning processes, developing and understanding mission, vision and values, setting priorities and goals, and tracking progress led by facilitator Gigi Lacey. Our community was thrilled with the training and learned many valuable tips to keep supporting their communities, and It was an excellent opportunity for sharing experiences and learning from one another. Here is some beautiful feedback from our participants: “This was a great workshop. It helped us understand why we weren't achieving what we wanted without a clear vision and plan. I look forward to sharing the slides and paperwork at our next committee meeting.” Korneila - Gold Coast Hungarian Association. “The tools were very useful as we are a new committee. We want to clearly understand our purpose and meet and collaborate with others.” Theresa and Michelle - Global Federation of Chinese Business Women of Australia. “The training was incredibly valuable for our organisation, and we really enjoyed it. We plan to implement the knowledge we gained today. Please continue to offer these fantastic training sessions. They are greatly needed and appreciated.” Carlos - Latin Community Hub. “It was a great opportunity to participate in an event that actively supported the longevity of community groups as we look into the future.” Seema - Federation of Indian Communities Queensland.

Gold Coast Community Leaders Reflect on Australian Identity in the Celebration of MCCGC's 40 Years of Legacy
Gold Coast Community Leaders Reflect on Australian Identity in the Celebration of MCCGC's 40 Years of Legacy

Australia's history is tied to migration, shaping our collective identity. This country was built on migration, and the patterns have evolved over time, shaped by historical events and changing societal values. A transformative evolution in Australia's migration history was abolishing the White Australian Policy and establishing multicultural peak bodies. In this important discussion, Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast (MCCGC) proudly presents a series of insightful videos featuring leaders from the multicultural community commemorating its 40th anniversary. These videos showcase critical aspects of Australia's identity, the racism it carries, and the role in supporting the multicultural community on the Gold Coast. According to Emad Nimri, MCCGC Project Consultant from 2005 to 2012, "...with diversity comes complexity, which underscores the need to address intricate issues". Within Australia's evolving multicultural policy framework, the emphasis has shifted from assimilation to coexistence. There is a big necessity for an ongoing commitment to impact, provide information, and educate about the enduring value of diversity, particularly in the cultural and linguistic context. Together, their voices contribute to shaping an inclusive Australia, welcoming and embracing diversity both today and tomorrow. By abolishing the White Australia Policy, a wave of people from around the world came and chose to make a home here on the Gold Coast. What wasn’t established were models of support for migrants to lead on, where organisations like MCCGC play a critical role, being the peak body for multiculturalism on the Gold Coast. MCCGC, born in 1983 to address the unmet needs of migrants and refugees, has been a catalyst for change, fostering an inclusive community over the past four decades. Since then, MCCGC’s vision has been crystal clear: to foster an inclusive community that cherishes cultural diversity. And the mission is to connect the community, impact lives, ignite hope, and build bridges of understanding. MCCGC's CAMS Officer, Candice Sullivan, also featured in the videos, presents an important piece, recognising MCCGC's journey as a collective story built on honesty, connection, and the pursuit of a compassionate and connected world. MCCGC’s Chief Executive Officer, Shane Klintworth, says, “40 years might seem like a long time, but in the grand tale of community and connection, it's just a chapter. A chapter full of learning, unity, growth, and unwavering commitment. Here's to the journey ahead as we continue to write this story together.” Let the reflection on these 40 years be a message for the 40 to come. Let's honor the work laid by those before us, support the movement of the youth and let the voice of diversity fill your heart with hope for our future. Here's to 40 years of MCCGC's unwavering commitment and to the countless more years to come! Maria's Poem Maria is a valued member of our MCCGC team. Several months ago, she embarked on a new journey in Tasmania. One day before her farewell, she wrote this beautiful poem and shared it with us on the day we said goodbye. We feel fortunate to have had her as part of our community. If you want to watch the series of videos, please click here

A Refugee's Journey Towards Belonging and Thriving
A Refugee's Journey Towards Belonging and Thriving

Embarking on a refuge journey is not an easy one, they leave behind their complete lives fleeing conflict and persecution, but their journey doesn’t finish there. They come to countries like Australia to reach their dreams. Dreams full of courage and resilience. They come here to thrive and succeed, and our inspiring Settlement Case Manager, Suheir, is a vivid example of that. The Gold Coast Bulletin featured her story back in Palestine. Suheir came to Australia in 2010 from Palestine. She brought diverse stories, skills, and aspirations to this country. Her journey in Australia has been extraordinary, and that’s why her desire is to help refugees and migrants in their settlement process and to find a sense of belonging, which involves adapting to a new environment, learning a different language, and navigating unfamiliar systems. Despite the challenges, they emerge as pillars of strength and resilience, embodying the spirit of hope and determination that defines their journey to a new beginning in Australia. Nearly one million refugees have settled in the country since World War II. According to the Settlement Council of Australia, “Migration is a core part of Australia’s story. Unless we are First Nations People, we are of migrant origin. With both the migration and humanitarian intakes increasing, Australia is set to welcome approximately 1 million people over the next five years.” In Suheir’s words, “Now is the opportune moment to take on a more prominent role in the settlement sector. Join the advocacy and contribute to the necessary changes that address our specific needs on the Gold Coast.” Suheir, we feel very proud of you and know your passion for creating positive change in multicultural communities so that they can succeed and thrive. If you want to read Suheir’s story, click here   

40th Anniversary Celebration
40th Anniversary Celebration

Grateful hearts and cherished memories!  On December 5th, we celebrated 40 years of MCCGC at Hota. The night was an incredible gathering of community leaders, past and present team members, and the amazing Gold Coast community. We were honoured by the presence of the City of Gold Coast Mayor Cr. Tom Tate, Mayorees Ruth Tate, and Minister for Housing Meaghan Scanlon MP.  The night was a rollercoaster of emotions, reflections, and unforgettable moments. Our gratitude knows no bounds for the overwhelming support that has fueled this extraordinary journey. The community came together to celebrate and honour the incredible path we've travelled over 40 years. In the past four decades, we've woven a beautiful tapestry of connections with the Gold Coast community, creating a history of memorable events that led us to this significant moment. As the peak body for multiculturalism, we've tirelessly worked to foster an inclusive community that values diversity, impacts lives, and ignites hope. With hearts bursting with love and deep gratitude, we can't help but say, "What an unforgettable night!" A massive shoutout to everyone who joined us at the Twilight Multicultural Mixer, dedicating the evening to commemorating MCCGC's four decades. The magic of the night was complete because of every one of you.  Here's to many more years of celebration, unity, and making a positive impact together!  Click here to check out the image gallery from this beautiful celebration.

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