Enrolling HSP young Clients in Primary and High School: A Heartwarming Journey


Enrolling HSP young Clients in Primary and High School: A Heartwarming Journey

The HSP team has successfully enrolled eight of our clients from the Humanitarian Settlement Program in three different schools on the Gold Coast. Witnessing these young students start their educational journey was a heartwarming experience. For some of our clients, this marked their first return to school in nine years, and others had faced interruptions in their education due to circumstances in their transition country. Going back to school was a dream come true for these resilient kids.

A significant effort has been dedicated to reaching this milestone. MCCGC has been actively collaborating with schools to address the complex needs our clients have in their educational journey. We've also been proactively networking with stakeholders to overcome the various barriers our clients face. This includes meeting educational needs by partnering with organisations such as The Smith Family and St. Vincent de Paul, as well as engaging with school guidance office.

In our commitment to supporting schools, we've proposed cultural awareness training for their staff. This training equips school staff to better understand our clients' cultural background and their journeys before arriving in Australia, enabling them to provide more effective support.

We've worked closely with parents to educate them about the Australian education system, as well as the expectations and requirements of schools from parents. As a symbol of our support, we've provided our clients with school bags generously donated to MCCGC by Arcadia.

MCCGC remains dedicated to closely working with and supporting our young clients in their respective schools. We will continue to build relationships and networks with organisations to ensure our HSP clients have a successful start to their educational journey and achieve their dreams.

Additionally, one of our young clients will be joining TAFE, where she aspires to improve her English, start a pathway in nursing, and eventually pursue higher education to become a general practitioner and a doctor.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who collaborated with us to make this journey a reality. Your support has been invaluable in making these dreams come true.