Meet, Greet and Eat Session

On 10 September, we had our second MEET, GREET & EAT SESSION of the year at our CURA Wellness Centre.
The topic the event was DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Thank you to the community leaders for their time and insightful contributions to this difficult and prevalent subject. The event was very well attended and was interactive in nature. Take a look at some pictures from session.
During the event we covered:
- Understanding: Department of Home Affairs - Domestic & Family Violence Visa - Eligibility and Process
- Upskill: Training by Challenge DV - Recognising Domestic Violence in Your Community
- Learn: Gold Coast DV Support - MFO - SARA Program
Thank you to all stakeholders who presented and shared their expertise.
If you would like to join or know more about this network please email:

Level 1, 60 High Street, Southport 4215 QLD
1 Dominions Road, Ashmore 4214 QLD
Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 5.00pm
MCCGC recognises that across the country, we all live and work on the unceded lands and waters of First Nations people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.